MilkTrac® in Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de São João

19 October, 2022

The São João Hospital Centre (CHUSJ), in Porto, has opened the Human Milk Bank of the North, a facility aimed at saving the lives of sick babies that will live off the generosity of donor mothers.


This equipment is the result of the requalification of the CHUSJ milk pantry, the place where the food for babies who are being breastfed is prepared, and brings together a multidisciplinary team of pharmacists, specialists in clinical pathology, nutritionists, among other health professionals.


The process begins with the collection of milk at home by donor mothers, who are evaluated to assess and determine whether their health conditions allow the donation and the safety of the milk. The milk is stored at home and the CHUSJ seeks to ensure that donors have the ideal conditions for storage, through the collaboration of a team that also goes to their homes to clarify doubts and collect the donated milk.


The Human Milk Bank of the North was born with the purpose of providing, in complete safety, the best food for the most fragile babies hospitalised in Neonatology Units and BIQ Health Solutions was the technological partner chosen to support this initiative, with the implementation of its MilkTRAC® solution, which will be complemented by the new MilkCenter®. These solutions will control and monitor all activities in the milk circuit, from collection to administration and are designed to ensure the safety of babies, traceability, and efficiency of processes.


BIQ Health Solutions acknowledges and thanks CHUSJ for the trust in our teams.

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